We always want what we don't have. Curly-haired folks' envy those with straight locks. Freckled faces often wish them away. Many with fair complexions are found desiring a darker shade, and vice versa. A hot commodity as of late is *sunkissed tan skin. I am available today to remind you to embrace your qualities and wear some dang sunscreen.
As individuals who perform daily cancer screenings to the face, oral cavity, and neck, we should be advocating to protect our anatomy. These harmful UV rays are responsible for basal cell carcinoma (#1 most common) and sqamous cell carcinoma (#2 most common). A special thank you to my integrated boards review app.
It is pivotal to stress the importance of protecting our integument to our patients, whether it is a baseball cap or a daily moisturizing sunscreen. This is no time to be hypocritical by skipping the sunscreen step in order to fit trends and appear tan on Instagram. Spare your melanocytes! Lastly, I understand it is a challenge to refrain from nit-picking your appearance in today's society...just try to embrace what your mama gave ya.