It is actually very feasible to Do It Yourself when it comes to preserving our mother dearest, Earth. Sustainability to the next level might just be to reuse items. I am inviting you to set aside your pandemic joggers and to put on your creative pantsuits. It’s time to to utilize empty glass jars, cans, and containers. From storing your bathroom essentials in a repurposed candle jar to eliminating single use cleaning materials in your kitchen, reducing waste is soon to be your forte. If you aren’t particularly the craftiest/pinteresty type, some items are just a click away online. For now, all need is to remember how the mathematical symbol of the greater than sign works, and you are set to amplify your eco-friendly lifestyle.
Bar soap > liquid soap
Wash cloths > synthetic sponges
Reusable food wraps > plastic baggies
Reusable shopping bags> plastic baggies
Beeswax coated cloth wraps > plastic cling film
Cloth napkins & lunch bags > paper napkins & lunch bags
Crocheted loofah & makeup remover pads > single use alternatives
Laundry detergent & dishwasher detergent pods > large plastic bottles