I don’t believe there are many things more satisfying than checking items off a list. Especially when you own fabulous gel pens and tooth shaped sticky notes. I am writing today to one, share a friend’s story, and two, provide a step-by-step breakdown on how to help combat mental illness.
CC: “Shortness of breath, loss of proprioception, and feelings of crushing pressure on chest consistent with a mental breakdown”
Extra-oral exam: Periorbital dark circles, bitten-down fingernails, sunken cheeks
Intra-cerebral exam: Constant comparison of academic performance to dental school classmates, disinterest in spending time with significant other, lack of participation in hobbies and food consumption
Dx: Anxiety and depression due to dental school burnout during finals week
Recommended tx: Accept how you are feeling, let yourself feel that way, then take actions to diminish unhealthy feelings
Chin Up Checklist
- Refrain from feeling embarrassed about talking to a licensed counselor or psychologist
- Focus on your physical self (breathing, eating, moving)
- Find value in a routine sleep schedule and listen to what your body needs
- Understand that you are not alone
- Join ASDA members for mental health Solidarity Day on Wednesday, October 21st
While I fully understand that mental health cannot be fixed with a diagnosis and clear solution like other avenues of medicine, I hope this short list of suggestions can help any struggling student. Solidarity Day is dedicated to raising awareness of suicide prevention in dental schools Nationwide. A vast majority of dental students experience these feelings, so you are not alone. Remember that we cannot control mental illness, but we can control how to respond to our symptoms.